By Dan Hall
March 22, 2020
Dear customers, clients and lead generators We have had to take the difficult decision to place many of our employees on the Government's furloughed workers scheme for the sustainability of the business. This decision has been made to retain the majority of our workforce, allowing us to offer our full services when the pandemic subsides. However, we would like to reassure you that Apire Energy Ltd is continuing to provide essential operations for clients and customers with key staff continuing to work during this time. We are following COVID-19 updates closely and responding positively to Government rulings and guidance. Here is a summary of our current situation: We have arranged for all office staff to work from home to allow them to follow the Government's ruling on 22nd March which states employees should work from home unless this is not possible. Our systems and processes have been adapted to deliver work remotely and effectively. We have broadened our IT infrastructure to enable all of our office based staff to work from home. We have implemented flexible working for our workforce in response to school closures. Staff with children have confirmed their arrangements and flexibility. This will mean that certain members of our team will be changing their hours of work and will be communicated to relevant stakeholders. Customers and clients, should go through Aspire Energy's main communication channels which will stay open, as their usual contact at the company may have been furloughed. We are communicating regularly with our lead generator partners and have asked them to work in line with the recent Government announcements. This means that all non-essential work has been postponed until it is deemed safe to continue. Householders who are without any heating or have broken systems will still have their installs go ahead. We are working with our installer partners to ensure work is arranged as a priority and they adhere to the following code of conduct: Produce a detailed risk assessment before any work commences. Always contact customers ahead of home appointments to make sure they are happy to proceed. Keep Aspire Energy Ltd and customers informed of any cancelled appointments or implications that affect the ability to carry out works. Ensure any worker who is unwell or showing COVID-19 symptoms is asked to self-isolate and not attend site. Always wash hands before and after work takes place in the home and wherever possible, distance themselves from customers. We will continue to update this webpage as the situation develops.