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Free Boiler Replacements

Nev Yates • April 23, 2020


Free Boiler Grant
Are you a homeowner ?

Is your boiler 5 years old or older?

Are you or anyone else living in your home in receipt of any benefit (including child benefit)?

If the answer to all three questions is yes, you may be entitled to a full funded boiler.


100% FREE boiler replacements available from the Government Grant ECO Scheme. If you qualify then your home will be supplied and fitted with a brand new Combi Condensing boiler bought and paid for by the ECO government funds as it tries to combat against fuel poverty.

Applicants must qualify for this grant through being on any number of the following benefits listed below. We also need a secondary measure in order for the funding to be activated:


Armed Forces independent Payment Allowance, Carers Allowance, Disability Living Allowance, Disability Living Allowance, Pension Credit, Income Related Employment Support Allowance, Income Based Jobseekers Allowance, Income Support, Industrial Injuries Disablement Payment, Tax Credits (Child Tax & Working Tax Credits), Child Benefits, Universal Credit - If your benefit is not listed here there is still a good chance you could qualify so please do not hesitate to contact us.


Underfloor Insulation
Cavity Wall Insulation
Room In Roof Insulation

This support doesn’t just help end energy poverty. By replacing our old boiler with a new one, all of us can save up to £350 each year on our energy bills, according to the Energy Saving Trust.

Thank you

Aspire Energy
By Nev Yates November 2, 2021
Are you in receipt of child benefit?
Green Homes Grant
By Nev Yates September 5, 2020
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By Nev Yates May 3, 2020
While the situation surrounding COVID-19 keeps evolving, we’re closely monitoring government and official public health organisation announcements for guidance. In the meantime, we wanted to let you know the actions we are taking in relation to our surveyors and engineers visiting your home. Our employees are fully updated on the current requirements and are undertaking stringent health and safety measures to ensure that the highest possible hygiene standards are maintained throughout every aspect of our daily work – particularly for our engineers visiting customers’ homes. We have distributed antibacterial hand wipes and hand gel to every employee (both office based and field engineers). In addition, all field engineers have been issued with special gloves which restrict the virus. Our engineers are required to undertake a dynamic risk assessment before entering each property and go through a hygiene procedure which involves cleaning their hands using the antibacterial wipes and wearing the special gloves. Engineers are also required to confirm with you that the situation your health hasn’t changed from when the call was originally booked, you as the customer are welcome to confirm with the engineer that they have completed the required hand cleaning before they enter your home. Our measures: Engineers have been asked to follow the guidelines below whilst undertaking any home visit. 1) Confirm with customers that they haven’t begun experiencing any symptoms since booking the job. 2) Ask the customer if they have been advised to self-isolate. 3) Engineers will not enter the premises of any customer who reports symptoms or is in self-isolation. 4) Engineers are expected to clean hands before and after every repair. 5) Engineers have been advised to keep contact with the customer to a minimum and ask customers to occupy an alternative room whilst working in their premises (if possible). 6) Engineers have been advised to not accept any hot or cold drinks from customers. 7) If the customer answers ‘yes’ to questions 1 & 2 then they will not enter your property. The engineer will instead call head office and rebook your job for 4 weeks in advance 8) Customers with symptoms or in self-isolation will be asked to call back after 14 days once they are clear of any symptoms or have been tested to confirm no presence of the virus. The business receives regular updates every two days to relay to staff the latest guidance and developments relating to the management of outbreak. We will continue to take every precautionary measure we can to ensure our processes remain as clean and hygienic as possible.
Free Boiler in Halifax with Free underfloor insulation
By Dan Hall April 1, 2020
We are installing Free boilers in Halifax together with Free Underfloor Insulation. This is because of the Government Free Boiler Grant Scheme called ECO3.
Covid-19 Update
By Dan Hall March 22, 2020
Dear customers, clients and lead generators We have had to take the difficult decision to place many of our employees on the Government's furloughed workers scheme for the sustainability of the business. This decision has been made to retain the majority of our workforce, allowing us to offer our full services when the pandemic subsides. However, we would like to reassure you that Apire Energy Ltd is continuing to provide essential operations for clients and customers with key staff continuing to work during this time. We are following COVID-19 updates closely and responding positively to Government rulings and guidance. Here is a summary of our current situation: We have arranged for all office staff to work from home to allow them to follow the Government's ruling on 22nd March which states employees should work from home unless this is not possible. Our systems and processes have been adapted to deliver work remotely and effectively. We have broadened our IT infrastructure to enable all of our office based staff to work from home. We have implemented flexible working for our workforce in response to school closures. Staff with children have confirmed their arrangements and flexibility. This will mean that certain members of our team will be changing their hours of work and will be communicated to relevant stakeholders. Customers and clients, should go through Aspire Energy's main communication channels which will stay open, as their usual contact at the company may have been furloughed. We are communicating regularly with our lead generator partners and have asked them to work in line with the recent Government announcements. This means that all non-essential work has been postponed until it is deemed safe to continue. Householders who are without any heating or have broken systems will still have their installs go ahead. We are working with our installer partners to ensure work is arranged as a priority and they adhere to the following code of conduct: Produce a detailed risk assessment before any work commences. Always contact customers ahead of home appointments to make sure they are happy to proceed. Keep Aspire Energy Ltd and customers informed of any cancelled appointments or implications that affect the ability to carry out works. Ensure any worker who is unwell or showing COVID-19 symptoms is asked to self-isolate and not attend site. Always wash hands before and after work takes place in the home and wherever possible, distance themselves from customers. We will continue to update this webpage as the situation develops.
first time central heating
By Dan Hall March 1, 2020
If your home is not heated by radiators, you may qualify for a grant to install first time central heating
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